You have reached the resources page of this website. On this page, you will find links to all the resources that have been mentioned somewhere on this website. This page is updated from time to time with new offers and courses as they become available.
PDF Downloads
Download the best online courses PDF for High Paying Jobs in Software.
Here you will find courses, specializations, and certification that you can complete online from anywhere you want. You can do these part-time along with your full-time job.
The resources shared in this PDF document can get you high paying jobs in the software industry.

Download the FREE Report Are you an A-Player in your company or industry?
Your experience or expertise does not matter in any new job. Your company will treat you as an average employee. Then they will collect data through your manager, colleagues, clients, and projects. At the time of appraisal, they will use this data to rank you.
If you are wondering how companies decide your rank then download this FREE Report on Are you an A Player?
Paid Courses for IT Professionals
Master your Life
The Life Book Online

If you are thinking about what you want in your life. Then you need a system.
A system that allows you to really dig deep into who you want to be, what you really want, why you want it, and how to get it all in life – no matter how crazy the world gets.
And there is such a system.
It’s called Lifebook.