In this post, I am going to show you, how to get more subscribers on youtube for free?
You can make your videos viral. You will learn what titles will work and why. Here is my story of getting 1000 Subscribers and 4000 Hours of Watch Time with the help of some tools that work like clockwork.
Starting a Youtube Channel
On 16th January 2016, I created my first Youtube channel. I uploaded a video of waterlogging outside my society in the first rain.
The video received some 200 odd views. I was delighted and also fascinated. Because I thought maybe 50 people who watched this video know me – but who are those other 150 people.
Then I started dreaming about creating my own Youtube channel. I started watching Youtube videos of all types. As if those videos were going to help me make my own videos.
I started reading everything about Youtube. I even read the book Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuck. I subscribed to multiple programs that would teach me how to make a video and upload it for success.
In doing all this I wasted 2 years. I did not upload another video until the 3rd of August 2018.
Creating a Channel Trailer for Youtube
My first video on the 3rd of August 2018 was a channel trailer for my Youtube Channel. I don’t know what my channel was called before this date but I rechristened it to “Startup University”.
You know if you want to start a Youtube Channel then you need to pick some niche. Niche means what is it that you are going to make videos on. In my case, I wanted to make videos about Startups and Entrepreneurs so I christened it to “Startup University”.
Moreover, I wanted a grand opening for my channel. I was like everyone is waiting for this day.
First I created a beautiful channel image and uploaded it. Then I crafted the about page. Next, I decided on some playlist on my channel. Finally, I created a channel trailer.

I did not know what videos I am going to make but I was sure a channel trailer is the most important video on the channel.
Dealing with my first failure on Youtube
The channel trailer was crafted with a lot of love and hard work. It was a creation that I thought will go viral.
To let you on to a secret of Youtubers, they feel every video is going to go viral. Only time tells the real story.
So my video did not go viral.
On the first day, it had 127 views and I was delighted.
On the second day, it had 57 views and I was still happy.
On the third day, it had 32 views and I was still hopeful.
On the fourth day, it had 41 views and I was like wow it is growing by 25% over the previous day.
On the fifth day, it had 27 views and I was quite by now.
On the sixth day, it had 23 views and I had no emotions left by now.
Finally, on the seventh day, it had 2 views and I was down and out.

Friends, you know what? If you are trying to make a Youtube Channel then you just have to survive beyond your first video. You may not gain views or subscribers or watch time in one video.
You have to at least try making about 20 to 30 videos before you give up.
Learning my first lesson from Youtube
Someone really wise once said,
You only fail when you give up.
Whoever said this was going to prove true in my case. One video is not going to become the death of my Youtube channel.
“Quitters never win and winners never quit,” I kept repeating this. I started working harder.
Instead of watching videos with Millions of views, I started watching a video with a few thousand views.
I learned that there is a completely different world out there of educational videos. Videos created by normal people like you and me.
People who create videos without any fancy crew. Simple educational videos that are filled with great content. Just one person speaking to the camera sharing the best knowledge there is to share.
What I learned in the process is that,
Content is the king.
My second video was my story of Finding a Job.
Uploading One video Every Week on Youtube
Many Youtubers said that if you upload on a regular schedule then Youtube helps in promoting your videos.
So I started uploading one video every week.
22 Sep 2018 – Finding my First Job
01 Oct 2018 – How to use your hidden superpowers?
06 Oct 2018 – Freshers Salary in TCS
24 Oct 2018 – The Art of Selling
04 Nov 2018 – How Prospecting helped me in selling?
16 Nov 2018 – How to protect your idea?
24 Nov 2018 – Warren Buffet – Hidden Power
You get my idea.
I had to learn, how to research my topic? how to write a script? how to make a video? how to handle audio? how to edit my video? what titles, descriptions, and tags work? Everything.
Masterclass on Creating a Channel that People crave.
By the way, everything I learned I put it in this special video I created a few days back. This video is 60 mins long and I cover every aspect of creating a Youtube Channel that people want to watch.
Watch this video when you are done reading this post.

Becoming Viral on Youtube
You know I was repeating this beautiful line.
Quitters never win and winners never quit.
I feel that somehow this line pumped energy into my Youtube Channel.
On 14th Dec 2018, I had 259 views without doing much. I started observing my channel. One video on my channel was breaking out.
This was the fourth video on my channel uploaded on 6th Oct 2018. For some unknown reason, this video was getting picked up and blowing up after 3 months.

It was crazy. Daily my views were increasing beyond the 200+ mark. Finally, on 26 Jan 2019, there were 2301 views on my channel most of which came from that one video.
This is the exact time when I felt that I have done something right. You can see it for yourself that my channel was never the same again.
Youtube Tag Generator the reason for my Success
There is one thing I have not talked about so far. Youtube Tag Generator.
I use TubeBuddy since the launch of my channel on 3rd Aug 2018.

At the age of 23 years, I started a software company along with my friends. After that, I was involved in running the business for 11 years.
During this period one thing I had learned very well. That is, “If there is a tool available to save time and the cost is affordable for business then use it.” The thing is in business, time is money and money is everything.
So the goal of every business is to make money by creating products that are cheaper, better and save time.
That is the reason for using TubeBuddy.
In the masterclass above on “How to Get 1000 Subscribers and 4000 Hours Watch Time?”, I show how I am using this tool for my success. It helped me in finding the right Title and Tags for my video.
That is the reason you will see that I was able to reach my milestone with just 2 videos going mildly viral from 19 videos on my channel.
Message to future Youtube Sensation
Look you have the desire to succeed on Youtube. If you came here looking for a solution then I am sure you also have the talent in you.
But even the best people need some guidance and training. I have spent 40 hours in creating the above video that will help you with success. You only need 60 mins to watch this video.
If you want to become the next Youtube Sensation then watch the video until you understand every little detail I share in the video. Because I share a lot of details.
Moreover, you can also use TubeBuddy like me to help your videos go viral. This is an investment into your business and you will get back the returns as soon as you can join the Youtube Partner Program.
I can tell you that if you do the work then in a short time, shorter than what it took me to be successful, you will be able to become a Youtube Sensation.
Stay focused. Stay Rich.