Do you want to Design your Life? I have a simple mantra – “I Create My Own Life”. When you say this mantra over and over again for an extended periods of time, you will see unknown door of opportunity open up for you. The door that you did not even know existed in your life.

Moreover when you enter this door of opportunity with a leap of faith you will be on your path to wealth and success in life.

I am not saying this. I am quoting this mantra from the book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker. Read this book to understand this how this mantra will work for you life. You can get this book here,

BOOK Link.

There are seventeen principles mentioned in this book. Each principle is designed to change your mindset towards money.

Mr. T Eker, is certain that each one of us has a blueprint about money stored in our mind. This blueprint either makes us rich or keeps us poor. He wants us to change this blueprint with his seventeen principles so that you can find success and design your life the way you want. Avoid other people from designing your life the way they want.

The First Pricinple to Design Your Life:

The first principle explained in this book is,

Rich people believe “I create my life.” Versus “Poor people believe “Life happens to me.”

As I mentioned earlier each law mentioned in the book is about becoming rich or remaining poor. It is about designing your life in they way you want.

This law talks about the mindset of someone who has become rich versus those who remain poor.

Today each one of us is on the quest to become wealthy. Money has become the new oxygen of life.

Having enough cash increases happiness, and lack of it makes us miserable.

Do you need any data to prove this point? As we look back at our own life, the way it has happened, we get enough evidence of this principle in action.

Who can Design your Life?

You can design your own life. I can design my own life. Each one of us who believes in this principle “I CREATE MY LIFE” can design their life.

It does not matter what you are doing in life today.

Either you may be in a Job, or you may be an entrepreneur running your own business. Alternatively, you may be a professional musician, athlete, singer, artist or some creative person.

You still need money. Money is the energy of Life. Its circulation keeps your life in a state of happiness.

Also if you are like me, then you are continually striving to improve your financial condition. A good financial condition helps us to focus on things that we need to do in order to go from good to great in life. A bad financial condition disturbs our focus and our life can only go from bad to worse.

But whatever is your situation great, good, bad or worse, you are capable of designing your life. Even if you are in a Job or a Business or a Creative field.

Who wants to live a Rich Life?

As I mentioned earlier that we are all continually striving to improve our financial condition. We also saw that,

Good financial condition makes our life joyful versus Bad financial condition makes our life miserable.

However, while each of us want to be rich, only a small 4% to 5% of our population can be termed as truly rich. These are the millionaires and billionaires of the world who do not need to think about money for a few generations to come.

Rest of us, like you and me, have to struggle daily to improve our financial condition. You may already know that we as humans seek financial security above all our other needs and wants. Because consciously or unconsciously we believe that “Money makes me Happy.”

Honestly, I understand, not everyone wants to be filthy rich. Some of us are just looking for financial stability and a little bit of luxury in life. However, none of us would say no to becoming rich, if we can get there ethically and legally, even if we have to work hard for it.

Given a choice, everyone would want to live a Rich Life.

How to Design your Life like a Millionaire?

Look at the Irony of Life.

Each one of us wants to become Rich and we believe for some reason that we cannot become rich, but all the millionaires and billionaires of this world started at zero.

Then what prevents us from becoming rich.

Every rich person that exists today was poor once upon a time. There is enough research available to prove this fact of life. Various studies have shown that numerous millionaires and billionaires of this world were financially broke at the outset.

This brings up an essential point, that

Your present situation does not decide your future reality. If you believe in yourself and try then you will be able to find ways to make more money and have abundance in life.

You have at least one thing in common with most of the millionaires and billionaires of the world. That common thing is your financial condition. Your financial condition is same like the rich before they became rich. In fact you may be better than most of them who started extremely poor.

If you think you are poor than you should consider yourself lucky because you may have a chance to break out like the millionaires and the billionaires of the world did from their poor state.

The only one thing you need to do today is change your mindset. Instead of thinking Life Happens to Me you need to start believing I Create My Life. The moment you do that you will see your life change from poor to rich.

The First Principle “I Create My Life”

As soon as you adopt this mantra “I Create My Life” you will see new door of opportunity open up for you. These doors would be such that you could not have imagined existed in your life. They will lead you to a path of wealth and success.

Before the millionaires became rich they were poor but even in that state of life they changed their mindset. This change of mindset resulted in them becoming a millionaire or even a billionaire in their own lifetime.

In the same manner when you will adopt this mindset you will be on your way to becoming a millionaire or even a billionaire. And I wish this would happen to you. But only you have the ability to make it a reality for you.

T. Harv Eker, gives an excellent summary along with the first principle.

You are the one who creates your success, you are the one who creates your mediocrity, you are the one who creates your struggles, and all these reflect on your wealth and success in life. Consciously or Unconsciously, it is still YOU!

When you imprint this powerful message your brain, the only results you will get in life will be of success and flow of money.

Try this and you have nothing to lose.

How to use the Mantra “I Create My Life”?

A mantra is a statement or slogan repeated frequently. So if you are reading this today, then I will show you a simple way in which you can use this mantra.

  1. Put your right hand on your heart.
  2. Repeat this phrase “I Create My Life” loud enough for you to hear your voice.
  3. Do I and II daily for 30 seconds to 1 minute till you become rich and successful in your own eyes.

Moreover, when you are repeating this mantra daily, you will have to stop doing certain things.

You have to stop complaining, gossiping, crying, hating or any thing that is negative  that can impact your result.

You just need to start believing in this mantra, “I Create my Life.”

When you do this for a few days and firmly believe that you are the creator of your own life and all the situations in your life are entirely in your own hands then you will see changes happen.

No matter what is your situation today. If you follow this, you will see the change as soon as you start believing in this message. You will be amazed at how much your life can change from good to great just by repeating this simple mantra.

I am with YOU in this.

Remember you are not alone in designing your life. I am with you in this. We can help each other just by walking together with this shared belief in mind that “I Create My Own Life.”

Right now, I am removing all the weeds that have grown on my fertile mind so that I can sow the seeds that will lead to a golden crop.

Right now, I am burying all the complains I have about life and people around me so that I can entirely focus on the things that will bring me success.

Right now, I am committing to my success so that I can lead the life that I have dreamt of and believe it is possible for me to live a rich life.

Right now, I am helping enough people live a rich life so that I can  experience the joy of giving when others are inspired to live a rich life like me.

Right now, I am putting my hand over my heart and repeating the mantra, “I Create My Own Life.”

This is the mantra I am going to imprint on my brain so much that Consciously or Unconsciously I will find and follow the golden path of success.

What next?

Do you believe in this mantra? “I Create my Own Life.”

Let me know in comments. Moreover, even if you do not consider it as your mantra, I would like to know your opinion.

Either way, I am eager to listen to you. Tell me more.

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