Highest Paying Job for Software Engineer

Only 5% qualify for these software engineer jobs

Download the Best Online Courses PDF »

This is the first video in this series "Highest Paying Jobs for Software Engineer"

You can subscribe to my Youtube Channel : Musings by Amit  and watch the videos that will help you grow in your career 4X to 10X times faster than normally possible because I share tried, tested and proven methods to become massively successful in your career or business related to software.

In this video I am sharing the 22 Highest Paying Jobs for Software Engineer that have become popular over the last decade.

There are steps to get High Paying Jobs in Software Industry

  • 1

    Watch the Full Video

    In this video I explain the 22 streams for software engineer that can get you a high paying job. Watch the complete video to understand which stream can get you a high paying job

  • 2

    Download the Best Online Courses PDF

    Download The Best Online Courses PDF where I have listed a few best certification courses for each of the stream mentioned in this video.

  • 3

    Pick one stream of Software Industry to Focus

    Pick one stream of software to focus on. Decide the stream based on your understanding of the stream and your interest. Liking a stream is very important because it will help you pursue the stream with passion.

  • 4

    Check the Certification Available

    In the PDF I have mentioned some certification courses and their syllabus. You can pick one course after studying the syllabus of the course. It is not necessary to do the course only from resources I have mentioned. You can do your certification from where ever you like.

  • 5

    Find the Job with Higher Salary

    Once you complete the certification you can find a job with higher salary. You can demand a double to four times salary depending on the expertise you have gained while doing the course.

As you start focusing on the new age technology mentioned in this video you will see a lot of new opportunities open up for you.


First watch the video and understand 22 streams of high paying jobs in software industry. Then download the best online course document. Next do the right certification for you. Finally get a high paying job.

Above all have patience when you are trying to increase your salary. It can take one year to two years time to successfully execute on your plan. Because you don't want to be a mediocre software engineer but become one of the top 5% software engineers who command high salary. Doing this requires time and patience.

Also remember that appraisals in software industry are between 8% to 12% year on year. So if your salary is average even with the best appraisal you will only be able to increase your salary by 24% in two years. But by focusing on High Paying Jobs you will increase your salary by two times or 100% to four times or 400%. That is the single most reason to focus on these technologies.

I hope that you are able to take advantage of this opportunity to double or quadruple your income within the next two years.

Stay Focused. Stay Rich.


Amit Patel